Why UltronGlow is called the metaverse infrastructure
- What is the metaverse
The term “Metaverse” is composed of the prefix “meta” (meaning transcendence) and the root “verse” (reversed from “the universe”). Metaverse is a science fiction novel written by science fiction writer Neil Stephenson in 1992 It is proposed in “Avalanche” that in the novel, the Metaverse is a virtual world that is born out of the real world, parallels, interacts with the real world, and is always online. It is lifelike and immersed in it. People are in this virtual world. You can do anything in China, except eating and sleeping; this is a higher-dimensional interactive experience than the existing virtual world.
2. Why pursue metaverse: virtual reality compensation/world simulation theory
1)Virtual reality compensation theory:
what people lack in the real world will make efforts to compensate in the virtual world.
2)World simulation theory:
Assuming that the impulse of a civilization to create a virtual world in order to be compensated is eternal, then a long period of development will inevitably create a virtual world, and the world in which it is located is also very likely to be an upper-level design Created by the author.
3. The development status of the metaverse and the new metaverse infrastructure-UltronGlow
1) Traditional game companies believe that the core of Metaverse lies in an open world with customizable characters and scenes;
2)Blockchain practitioners believe that the focus of Metaverse lies in a decentralized economic system and governance model that is similar to the real world;
3)Internet giants and virtual reality related companies believe that Metaverse should focus on immersive experience and online and offline interaction.
The Base team believes that the characteristics of Metaverse are reflected in the improvement of immersion and user-created content (UGC). This is a long-term process that requires simultaneous development with the improvement of chip computing power, the popularization of software design engines, the convenience of interactive devices such as VR/AR, and the continuous development of blockchain technology and related decentralized application ecology. status.
Obviously, infrastructure is the decisive factor supporting all of this.
For this reason, in 2019, the Base company team proposed UltronGlow, aiming to build a distributed edge computing and fragmented storage platform that can truly combine the virtual world with real businesses. UltronGlow’s GLOW consensus, the world’s first, integrates the three consensus mechanisms of PoS, PoSR and PoTS. In addition, it has a large number of edge server node devices around the world, storage resources and edge computing capabilities to support the entire blockchain network.
The decision to land the meta universe requires the support of massive computing power, network and storage, and distribution is a prerequisite for the infrastructure of the meta universe. After the UltronGlow network has completed the construction of the storage and computing market, it will fully have the underlying foundation of computing, communication, and storage capabilities to support Metaverse, as well as the application support capabilities for data verification and identity verification, and most importantly However, its decentralized properties naturally match the original needs of the Metaverse. Therefore, the UltronGlow network’s goal in the future is to exist as the underlying infrastructure provider of the Metaverse, and on this basis, provide developers with UltronGlow Support for the development of network-based metaverse upper-level applications.